Evaluative Summary

An evaluative summary includes your own opinion of the text (this is different to other summaries). In your evaluation you critically evaluate the material that you are reading. You are required to write about your understanding of the text (in the summary section) and questions the information and opinions of the text (in the evaluation section).

Make sure that you understand the text before writing your evaluative summary!



Mention author, title, purpose of the text (why do you think it was written? to inform student of the difficulties about working and studying?)


What is the article about? What are the main points in the article?


Looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the text

Author – What is the author’s expertise on the subject? Are they likely to be bias?

Source – Where does the article come from? It it from a reputable source (book/journal/internet site)?

Currency – how up to date is the article? Does it matter?

Evidence – Is there strong or weak evidence? Does the author use other’s opinions to support his own? Is the statistical evidence too small or unreliable? Is there any overgeneralizations (eg forming a conclusion from only one case)? 


Sentence restating your opinion of the text and any recommendations

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